Este sitio contendrá historias y biografías de las familias de Armida, de Martinez, de Barrera, de Granados, de Artieda, de Orozco, de Padilla y de Mota incluyendo los niños, nietos. Incluirá historias y cuadros de la familia.
This site will contain histories and biographies of Armida families, Martinez, Barrera, Granados, Artieda, Orozco, Padilla & Mota including children, Grandchildren. It will include family stories and pictures.
HEY!!! Necesito las noticias y las fotos en qué están sucediendo en las familias de LATINA, qué está entrando encendido en Nevada?, California? Miami, La Florida? ECUADOR? Méjico? Usted desea publicar cuadros de la familia para traer cada uno actualizado? Explórelos por favor o envíelos, E-mail yo, con los cuadros, utilizan por favor (JPEG) o el formato (de JPG) HEY!!! I need news and photos on whats happening in the LATINA families, Whats going on in Nevada?, California? Miami, Florida? ECUADOR? Mexico?
Do you want to publish family pictures to bring everyone up to date? Please scan them or mail them, E-mail me, with the pictures, please use the (JPEG) or (JPG) format Rosa Armida Martinez de Thomson, casado John (Jack) A. Thomson de junio el 3 de 1978. Vino a los E.E.U.U. agosto de 1968, de Ecuador, S.A., Armida ahora tiene 6 niños, todos en los E.E.U.U. Manuel Barrera en NY, Margot Granados en NV, Marsella Artieda en el CA, Marlene Orozco en el CA, Errol Padilla en NY, y Juan Granados en el Fl.
Armida y Jack vivo en Palmdale, CA, gozando delretiro. Rosa Armida Martinez de Thomson, Married John (Jack) A Thomson June 3, 1978 . Came to the USA August 1968, From Ecuador, S.A., Armida has 6 Children, Who are all now is the U.S.A. Manuel Barrera in NY, Margot Granados in NV, Marsella Artieda in CA, Marlene Orozco in CA, Errol Padilla in NJ, and Juan Granados in FL.
Armida and Jack live in Palmdale, California, Enjoying retirement. Left to Right Gonzalo & Marsella Artieda, Enrique & Marlene Orozco, Shantal Artieda, Armida & Jack Thomson, Katie & Ricky Orozco. Left to right: GrandSon Jimmy Granados, Son juan Granados, Jack Thomson, Armida (Martinez) Thomson, Son Manuel Barrera, Daughter Margot Granados, Juanita & Son Errol Padilla, in New York during Sept 1999 at the wedding of her Grand Daughter Paola Berrera Paola Maria (Berrera) Mosiurchak, the daughter of Manuel and Maria Berrera, born_February 18, ----Guyaquil, Ecuador, Married Kevin Mosiurchak on ----September 1999, in Long Island NY. Paola and Kevin have two children, son Brandon Scott, born on October 29th, 2004, in NY and daughter Ariana born__. Kevin is with the New York City Police Department. they are living in New York. Jamie, Jimmy and Margot Granados, Miguelito, Zuleka, Jannisa and Kathy Mota Euracia Margot de Padilla Granados, born june 4, 1942 in Machala, Ecuador, married Jaime Cristobal Granados s, in Guayquil, Ecuador they have three Children, Lorena De Velez, married to Eduardo, their children are: Jame Eduardo, age 12, Jocelyn Margot, age 7 and Bryant Gabriel,age 6 their home is in Las Vegas, Nevada. Katherine Bellinda (Granados) Mota, married to Miguel. They have 3 Children, Maguilito, Zuleka, and Jannisa. Jimmy Daniel Granados, living in Reno Nevada Jaun Gustavo Granados, born Guayaquil, Ecuador on April 3, 1958. The 2nd son of Rosa armida (Martinez) Thomson. Johnny has Two Children, Melissa and Bryant, living in Miaimi, Florida. Juan Granados with Bryant & Melissa. From left to right: Mark, Sandy Rongstad, Enrique & Marlene Orozco (holding Kayla), Margot Granados, Armida Thomson, Marsella & Gonzalo Artieda and in front, Justin Rongstad. Gonzalo y Marsella Artieda, Marsellia es la hija de Armida Thomson. Gonzalo y Marsella tienen 3 niños, Fabrizio, casado con Erika, Patricio y Shantal que vivan en elpaís con sus padres. Son los padres magníficos de dos muchachos Eric y Paolo. El resto de la familia de Gonzalo, del padre, de la hermana y de 3 hermanos vive en Ecuador.
Gonzalo and Marsella Artieda, Marsella is the daughter of Armida Thomson. Gonzalo and Marsella have 3 children, Fabrizio, married to Erika, Patricio and Shantal who live at home with their parents. They are the grand parents of two boys Eric and Paolo. The remainder of Gonzalo's family, Father, Sister and 3 brothers live in Ecuador.
Fabrizio y Erika Artieda y 2 muchachos, Paolo y Eric, Fabrizio es el hijo de Gonzalo y de Marasella Artieda Fabrizio and Erika Artieda and 2 boys, Paolo and Eric, Fabrizio is the Son of Gonzalo & Marasella Artieda Patricio Artieda, son of Gonzalo and Marsella Artieda, born November 9,-----, in Guayaquil, Ecuador, Patricio married Shara-----,born------, California. Recently divorced. They have a Son Ivan Artieda, born----California. Patricio, has a daughter Julia Artieda, born-----Calif., her mother,--- Marsella Shantal Artieda, born May 23, 1978 in Guayquil, Ecquador.She married Jesse Rivas, on September 11, 2004. Their Daughter Arlina Gabriel Rivas,was born At 4:50 Pm, April 13, 2007, in Santa Claria CA. Shantal is the Daughter of Gonzalo & Marsella Artieda. Jessie is the son of Pascual and Maria Rivas. Shantal graduated with HONORS ,receiving her BA in Spanish, from Cal State University Northridge, on June 1, 2001. Shantal teaches Spanish at Canyon High School. Shantal and Jesse ;live in Santa Clarita, CA. Left to Right, Louis Roberto Artieda, Gonzalo & Marsella Artieda, and Shantal Artieda. Shantals Grandfather Louis Alberto came from Ecuador for Shantals Graduation on June 1, 2001. Miguel, Miguel JR, Janissa, Zuleika & Katy. Zuleika es la hija mayor y cursa el tercer grado Miguel JR cursa el kindergarden & Janissa esta en el preschool. LA FAMILIA MOTA vive en California. Miguel nacio en Mexico D. F. & Katy nacio en Ecuador. Miguel tiene dos hermanos viviendo en Canyon Country, y Katy tiene un hermano viviendo en Reno y su hermana vive en el Ecuador con su familia. Miguel, Miguel JR, Janissa, Zuleika & Katy.Zuleika is the first daughter and attends the third grade, Miguel JR attends kindergarden & Janissa is in preschool. The Family Mota lives in California.
Miguel was born in Mexico D. F. & Katy was born in Ecuador. Miguel has two brothers living in Canyon Country, & Katy has a brother, living in Reno, Nv and her sister lives in Ecuador with her family.
Enrique Orozco Jr. born October 29, 1978, at Los Angeles, California. The Son of Enrique & Marlene Orozco. Ricky Katie, Son Andrew, born August 10, 2001, and Daughter, Alana Jade, borm October 12, 2005. They live in Austin, Texas. Carl Chadwell, born January 9, 1927, in Tennessee, & Fabiola (Martinez)Chadwell born December 2, 1929, in Ecuador. They married on February 27,1965 at Las Vegas, Nevada, they have two Boys, Carl Chadwell Jr. born December 15, 1965. Paul Chadwell born January 13, 1969. The Chadwell's live in California. William and Rosa (Martinez) Bandorf, married Feb 17, They have 3 children, Michael, Susan and Deiter. all live in Santa Clarita California. > Top L to R Ronald & Yolanda Murillo and Amada & Oswaldo Harb. Bottom L to R, Willie & Rosa Bandorf, and Percide Garzon, Mother of Rosa and Yolanda. June 2, 2001. The ever growing Martinez famiy |